Rowing Solutions

Depending on your needs, there are a few different ways you could row. Look at some of the options we’ve described below and choose what’s best for you.

Please note, always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

1. Split the rowing ergometer and use the AROW.
(with or without the chest pad)

Why use this option?  

This is the most versatile option. With this set up you do not need to lengthen the rowing chain or have clear space to position your wheelchair behind the rowing ergometer. The adapter will stabilize you while you row. Use the chest pad or abdominal binder if you want added stability, or have concerns about neck strain. Row without the chest pad if you want to maximize torso movement in your rowing stroke.  You can also use these adaptions to row from a regular chair. A stick or cane can be used to adjust the tension on the ergometer.

Rowing Demonstrations

set up and row with chest pad
set up and rowing no chest pad
rowing with ab binder
engaging the trunk
rowing from a chair
using a cane to adjust tension
  • To split the erg, please refer to section 12 of Concept 2 manual. Set up and rowing without chest pad
  • Download set up instructions – splitting the ergometer + mounting the Ergometer Adapter  (PDF)
  • Download set up instructions- setting up the chest pad
  • Download general Use of adapter with chest adapter guide.

2. “split” the rowing ergometer
(no Ergometer Adapter)

Why use this option? 

Choose this option if you don’t have access to the Ergometer Adapter and prefer not to transfer from your wheelchair.  You can use an abdominal binder or harness for additional support.

To split the erg, please refer to section 12 of Concept 2 manual. For further information, please refer to the Concept 2 website:

To split the erg, please refer to section 12 of Concept 2 manual. For further information, please refer to the Concept 2 website:

Download set up instructions (PDF)

3. Rowing on the fixed seat

Why use this option?

This is a good option if you are ok to transfer to and from the rowing machine. As this set up is similar to how you would row in a boat, you can fine tune your positioning and/or practice your rowing stroke while still on dry land.